Become A Member

Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and own a boat a minimum of 16 feet powered by a minimum of 9.5 horsepower motor, or own a jet ski. A photo of your boat and copy of current registration is encouraged when submitting an application.

Mail your application and check to:
Outboard Boating Club of Evansville Inc.
P.O.Box 471
Evansville, IN 47703

The purpose of the Outboard Boating Club of Evansville, Inc. is to serve the interests of boat owners, to defend such owners against discriminatory legislation and burdensome taxation, to prevent the pollution of neighboring recreational waters, to stimulate a greater interest in the area served by the Club, to develop a fraternal spirit among local outdoor enthusiasts, to provide a medium for the exchange of boating information, to own or lease property for Club uses, to develop more adequate boat storage and dock facilities, to promote boating exhibits and promote boating in all its phases, and to do all other things which will tend to serve owners of boating equipment, and to furnish interest in boating generally. This is a non-profit organization and shall not be operated for profit for any person, or persons, members or otherwise.

2025 Camping Fees are due at the March meeting.